Fix: Game crashing when you press 'Multiplayer'

Hi there,

As of the 26/11/2024 there is currently an error with the Cherished Worlds mod in Valhesia 6 v6.2.2 that may occasionally cause your game to crash when you press the ‘Multiplayer’ button on your main menu.

To fix this, you can

  1. Ensure your game is closed
  2. Open Valhesia 6 in CurseForge
  3. Press the three dots in the top right next to ‘Play’
  4. Press ‘Open Folder’
  5. Go into the ‘Mods’ Folder
  6. Rename the jar file ‘cherishedworlds-forge-6.1.6-1.20.1.jar’ by putting ‘.old’ at the end of it (or deleting it)
  7. Start the game and you should be good to go!

This works because the mod causing issues is a client-side mod and not on the server, thus you can remove it without worry.

If you have any questions please feel free to ping @JoshyDEWstive